Constructing Northeast Florida: The Compass Group Blog

Compass Group quickly saves company $250K on a design-build project

Written by Compass Group | Nov 22, 2022

One of our vice presidents recently attended a development review committee meeting. At the meeting, he connected with a business contact who was expanding their company and needed to build a new and larger manufacturing facility. Instead of engaging a design-build firm, they were doing it themselves.

Our vice president reviewed the engineering design plan and asked the company several questions. Upon quick initial review of the plan, our VP shared a few critical observations, including that the engineer’s design completely overlooked the ability for semi-tractor-trailer trucks to turn around on the property which was a critical need for this project and in our experience is one that’s frequently overlooked on site plans prepared by other organizations or when a company is “doing it yourself” (DIY). In addition, we identified several ways to lower the amount of dirt the project required, which ultimately reduced the retaining wall’s required height. 

This ultimately saved the company $250,000 on a $1.7 million deal! That means the company didn’t have to finance a loan on that $250,000 savings! In addition, imagine how unfortunate it would have been to develop the property without the property accommodations for semi-tractor trailer deliveries. 

In addition, the client saved approximately 4 to 6 months in project construction time by engaging Compass Group as their trusted design-build advisor instead of doing it the traditional way or doing it themselves.

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